-----well the aloha skateboard club piled into the wormburban and headed out to some pre-fab madness. the town of cordelia was the destination. which by the way the park was located down the street from juice-tigers house. the crew was a spicy one. blair, moe, brown steve, hendo, stu, ian, bobby tortalini , and myself. fun was had, ankles were smoked and the crew got the locals motivated as fuck. special thanks to the juice tiger and his lady for letting the scumbags come smell up your house. this was the trip that made me realize on the way home to bust out the dad cams again. thanks my dudes for the motivation.
-----suburban cruiser.
-----brown steve found this for 4 bux at a thrift shop.
-----pile them in.
-----rule the wastland
-----juice tiger
-----socialize the media's
-----later ankle.
-----hendo pic of stu. follow here @alohaskateboardclub
-----juice tigers metal room.
-----lemmy shrine.
-----bobby blowout.
-----tall can of miller light for the ride home. why yes.
-----this is why you always have a sober ride. don't be a snapperhead!
-----see what i mean.
-----video styles via hendo. might be some bonus like the old days if you make it all the way to the end.
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