Monday, June 9, 2008


at some point my kids are gonna want to know how their father and mother met. and i am sure like most girls they are gonna have grand thoughts of romance and chivalry. on the contrary. i was at the skatepark one day crusin around. when i saw this chick with a 12 pack of pabst. so i struck up a conversation with her so i could bum a beer. so i was thinkin how do i get this chick back to my place? at the time i had a siamese cat and thought hey wanna go back to my place and check it out. and she said yes and many moons later rylie was born. so long story short met kelly at the skatepark cuz she had a 12 pack of pbr and the rest is history. was it destiny who knows? but one thing is for sure this aint no t.v. romance, straight ussr style.

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