Sunday, January 19, 2020


-----so this Saturday started off with a bang. a car decided to take out the phone pole and knock out the electricity. not to mention I have switched from pc to Mac. which would have made this post to be done about an hour ago. should have started out with a shorter post. anyways, I hooked up with the usual bros and made the best of a Saturday. I hope to do more posts this year. I feel that instagram is just a scroll and good bye. the cronnies will always have some crappy content. so yeah. enjoy.

-----first stop. circle park.

-----mikey. tuck crook.

-----Cyrus, shoot the duck filmer styles.

-----crusty curb.

-----good ol' rosa park.





-----jj contemplating.

-----mikey. cold chillin'

-----Cyrus working on his latest tinder profile.

-----party station.

-----back home to this. no power.

-----saturday in video form.

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