-----after a little research i found some pabst spiked seltzer. needless to say, apparently i cussed a lot during this one. not sure why. watch the videe and. hopefully it answers some questions out there.
-----so this last fathers day as tradition dictates. jakkerz, one eye willie, klaus, uriah and myself head out for our annual fathers day session. we decided to dork about the eastbay. starting with the disappointing pinole park. then we hit emeryville and finally novato to finish the day off. we had a fun day off goofin' off. cuz, lets face it. that's what it is about. got some klaus and jakkerz pics to add to the dad cam footy. enjoy.
-----pinole. a stack of turdy crete'
-----dad cam in full effect. sorry digi dudes this dad keep it gutter.
-----klaus, one of my favorite dudes to fart around with. up on that ledge.
-----one eye willie. wallride.
-----we made our way over to the emeryville park.
-----dragons tail.
-----junkie bowl.
-----don't lose your board in the piss spot.
-----jakkerz. proper behind the leg early backside grab.
-----kiss rocked up until peter criss and ace frehely left.
-----old dudes made it to novato to dork around.
-----tall can slider.
-----god damn i love skatepark graffiti stay tuned for another post about it shortly.
-----these pics are from klaus. his dad cam is film. sorry instagram, you gotta wait for the photomat to get it handled adn hope for the best. no deletes and redo's here kids.
-----these are jakkerz pics.
-----till next year.
-----remember that pic of the trv27 earlier? it takes a dv tape. sorry all you 1080p fans. the dad cam is gutter as fuck. when your hard drive crashes, my shit is still on tape.