----so, the idea of heading out to monte rio was tossed in the hat. i got swooped up in the trujillo mobile and it was a go. we met up with kelly, jason, randy, ian, stu, cyrus adn my dude eric g. a couple of cold ones were drank. a bunch of dogs were in the way. some skateboard tricks were landed. everyone had fun. i mean thats what its about right? dad cam caught a couple of pics. enjoy.
-----we are the road crew.
-----cyrus the virus. kickflip inot the junk.
-----ian. nose bonk.
-----fucking kit.
-----jason. up and over
-----randy, grinding the corner pocket.
-----dad flip
-----mom grind.
-----kelly. frontside flipper.
-----chalker. roll on grinder.
-----dad jams.
-----eric. front 5'r
-----stu times two
-----booze cruz
-----no t bags?
-----i did a florp trick.
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