Saturday, May 11, 2013


-----the other day my dude jakerz hit me up for a little ramp sesh over at his house. i was hyped cuz it had been awhile since i had been over there. i have put up pics of this thing before. not only from the back yard but, when it was stuffed in a garage. anyways, this thing is super fun. its like skating a wooden ditch. it has some kinks, very little flatbottom, and it makes you work for your tricks. sure you can fakie rock anything, but come over here. add two kinks, a new crazy extension, with barely any deck and you got a whole new style of skateboarding. if you wanna see jakkerz version, head over to the oulk site and peep it.

-----ramp locals.

-----fupa and gabe aka sergio.

-----owner/operator, jakkerz testing his latest add on to see if it is stable enough.

-----nacho. fakie rock on the extendo.

-----taco bill. pivot fakie.

-----juice tiger. front rocker. \m/

-----after some suds, slams and slashing, its nice to finish it off witha little que'ing.

-----jakkerz, not so patented janky cam.

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