Tuesday, March 23, 2010


to start out i got a new point and shoot camera, so you are gonna be seein alot more photos on this thing. which by the way, the ones of ginney's backside miller flip were the first ones with my camera. also i want to add i am workin on a chalker chronicles commercial for the new revo video. so the little videos i make will be put on hiatus just for a bit, while i amass some footage for the video. so the photos i post will be little insight's to what will be seen. lastly my buddy mike who helped me get started on this. has decided to help me give the chronicles a little face lift. i have all-ways kinda wanted it to look a certain way, so hopefully the ruska will make it cooler. so enjoy some ramdom photos that will soon follow and as soon as the commercial is done, there shall be more lame-ass videos.

-----ginney pig, reverse stage dive to backside miller-flip

-----almost there

-----dive bomb

-----water, check. wax, check. pabst, check.

-----soulwax checks the spec's

-----ryan fulton made a guest appearance

-----look out for the gator's

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