Sunday, January 10, 2010


every skater dreads that time of year when it starts to rain. all your spot's are unskateable. not to mention your backyard ramp. let's face, winter is not high up on a skater's list of cool shit. so the resourceful individuals that we are, we try to find shit that is sheltered, to roll the shred sled on. so imagine the excitement i possessed when evan and friends built a a ramp in his garage. so i grabbed my board and headed on over. (background info: the ramp is in windsor and it was about 8pm). so 5 min's into shredding, johnny law shows up. it seems that the lovely town of windsor is full of lame-asses. the neighbors were pissin and moanin about the noise. which when i pulled up i could barely hear. so what i am trying to say here, in this long ass rambling. that skateboarding is still a crime even in your own house. i guess till the ex-gaymes have a garage ramp competition in their line up, it will never be accepted. fukk em.

------this side

------that side

-----after the cops showed this was the mood.

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