Wednesday, August 12, 2009


life is funny. i can remember as a kid just skating the days away. when i moved to santa rosa thats all i did. i met a whole crew of friends. some still here and some are now gone. anyways my buddy brian is one of those guys. now as adults we are to busy to do anything. and brian's plate is always full. that's why i am stoked that i got a photo of a rare sighting. brian out skating. no filming, no repping, no arting and no wedding stuff. just a couple of homies skating a manual pad and havin fun. so checkout this video part from a while ago, when life was footloose and fancy free. i don't wanna sound gay but brian is one of my favorite skaters. not only cuz he has one of the coolest styles out there but he never gets mad if i takes to long if we are filmin a trick. plus he is straight-edge which means more beer for me.

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